Becky Lean is a Clinical Nurse in the Community Health team at Biloela Hospital, enjoying a connection to the hospital from an early age.
"My Dad was a doctor here in Biloela and I have such fond memories of occasionally tagging along with him on ward rounds.
"While he did his work I'd sit in the tearoom with the nurses and chat with them about all sorts of things, it was a great introduction to the variety of working in rural health care."
Becky's time in the tearoom inspired her own career in nursing. Her family moved to Brisbane while she was still in school and after completing her nursing studies, she spent 6 years working in an acute care and respiratory ward at a busy public hospital in Brisbane.
"I'm grateful for the opportunities I got during my years as a new nurse in Brisbane however it's been incredibly satisfying and valuable working as a rural nurse.
"The work is quite broad, I love it. My current role covers community palliative care, chronic health, rheumatic heart disease and immunisations, and I get to help out in the emergency department and on the ward whenever they need an extra set of hands.
"It's a variety you wouldn't get in the metro areas."
Becky loves making the most of her days off as well. Some days are spent on her friends' farm helping with some cattle work and learning about different crops, others are spent taking a drive to nearby Cania Gorge or cooling off by the Dawson River in Theodore.
"Anyone thinking about rural nursing, should go for it.
"It's challenging and isolating at times, but it will widen your nursing skills and have a lasting impact on your life."